Our women in fitness series is a celebration of fly girls doing fly things. Meet Harky – a graphic designer who took up running after breaking up with her ex. Since then she’s bossed an ultra duathlon, a bike ride from London to Paris and Ride 100.
Harky’s story
The initial reason (I got into fitness) was ‘OMG I don’t want to be fat’. I know – quite self-absorbed. But I soon realised it was much deeper than that. I quickly realised how good it actually made me feel. I have always liked to keep fit. Even when I couldn’t afford the gym, I would run up and down the stairs 100 times, or do the Davina workouts (which were actually really good). I soon got into running because of an ex-boyfriend. When he left, and to heal a broken heart, I kept the running up. I would cry out all my feelings on these runs while listening to Linkin Park. Running became my saviour and a huge part of my life. Soon after this, I mustered up the courage to join a local running club back home called Spa Striders and I achieved amazing things through running with others. It taught me how much strength and courage I had in me and that limits are not real. I also began doing Insanity to help me for my second marathon. That programme really helped me in becoming even stronger and I love Shaun T. He has such a down-to-earth attitude.
When I moved to London I joined Run Dem Crew and through them, I learned what community and family meant and went on to do even crazier things like an Ultra Duathlon, ride London to Paris and Ride 100.
Fitness has become deeper for me. It is my way of living and I feel really good when I get up and complete a run or do Insanity workout. I would like to thank that ex because if it wasn’t for him getting me into running, I would never have done all these wonderful things and met the most extraordinary people.
I am super excited as I got into Berlin Marathon this year so that will be my priority. My aim is to get into the sub 4 club so all energy will be going into this. Aside from this, the cycling will be there and I really hope I can learn to swim. I started it but stopped because EXCUSES got me. No more though. My main focus is always my art but fitness keeps me grounded.