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Whether you’re old enough to remember the Grandmaster Flash song,  J-Lo’s dance troupe from the ’90s or that infamous Missy Elliot line from Work It, this fact remains: the term ‘Fly Girl’  ain’t nothing new. In fact, it’s borderline ancient and undeniably African-American – but essentially, one of the most flattering colloquialisms you could use to compliment a woman, then and now. Somehow, it manages to defy the flimsiness of ‘pretty’ and the clichés of ‘sexy’,  but doesn’t need to contend with ‘beautiful’. How so?  Being ‘fly’ is as much about personality,  mindset, swag and charm, as it is about aesthetics. Still, a Fly Girl is a bonafide babe (simply because she’s fly – catch the gist?).

But the real kicker – and the reason it inspired the name of Fly Girl Collective – is that easily relates to all things wellness. So, a handful of women from the Collective (including myself!) share their own inspirational definitions of a Fly Girl. Read on!


“All my life I’ve never been a morning person, but for the last 30 days I’ve got up at 6am to work my body harder than the day before. Being a fly girl is about having a winning mentality and forcing yourself outside of comfort zone. We all have what it takes but it’s about showing up for yourself again and again!”


“A fly girl is a game changer. She is confident in her own worth and embraces her unique femininity. Her kind of strength is for inspiration, not for show. She enjoys being a fly girl.”


“A fly girl understands the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Whether she is in the beginning or well-established on this journey, she has identified fitness and nutritional goals to lead a healthy lifestyle. For me, I’m at the beginning of my journey and look at our Fly Girl Collective community as inspiration. Incorporating fitness into my daily lifestyle has proven harder than expected, but I can always count of the community for the support and advice to push through.”


“A Fly Girl is a woman who’s made a commitment to progress. She rises above limitations, whether they be from society, circumstances or her own self-doubt. Fitness is one of the methods she uses to cultivate this mindset. I aspire to be a Fly Girl because I know that the Fly Girl mindset is valuable, not only for my health, but every other part of life.”


“A fly girl is a woman who doesn’t compare herself to others because she’s one of a kind. She’s unique. She’s wonderfully and fearfully made. She understands the importance of looking after her health and fitness, as it impacts everything else in her life – but the beautiful thing is, she doesn’t strive for perfection. She keeps it 💯 about who she is and where she’s at, but has made a choice to make each day better than the last. Before she knows it, she’s created new habits, which become a lifestyle – and that’s what makes her fly (in more ways than one 😉)”

(Photography: Ollie Trenchard)

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