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If you’re running the London Marathon for the first time, you’re in for one of the best experiences of your life. But staying prepared in the lead-up to the big day is essential. With just a few more days to go, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Get that beauty sleep, sis!

The TV binges, late-night dos can wait until Monday. Being well-rested will help you manage the physical and mental toil of marathon running, so make it a priority this week.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – and hydrate some more

Like, now. Water regulates your body temperature, improves recovery, minimises cramping and helps your performance. You’ll sweat A LOT on the day (losing water and electrolytes), so replenishing is crucial. Oh, and if you like fruit, have your fill this week– it’s a great source of water, electrolytes and fibre, which all does the body good.

Now’s not the time to experiment

…with food, gels or anything you’re not used to consuming. The last thing your body needs is a shock to the system. Also, have a decent breakfast on the morning of race day (carbs and protein, always), and you’ll be a-ok.

Run your own race

This means pacing yourself on the day and avoiding the temptation of keeping up with others. You know how you’ve trained, so you don’t want to get gassed. Stick to the plan, sis (and make sure you have a plan:  this includes how you’ll hydrate on the day, refuel and rest post-race).

Have a support crew

They can sort you out at critical points in the race, like giving you fuel/snacks, water, extra clothing, or even a hug. It’ll make a big difference.

Dress appropriately (but make sure the ‘fit is FLY for the cameras!)

Keep an eye on the weather, and ensure you have everything you need to be comfy throughout. Will you need extra layers? Are you wearing a running belt? Do you have the right socks? Is everything sweat-wicking?  And for my sweaty betties, Body Glide is your friend and will 100% keep any chaffing at bay. Nab some at the Marathon Show, Amazon or Runner’s Need. Slap it on everywhere and thank us later 😉

Have fun

Running marathons is a big deal, but running the London Marathon is even bigger. The chance to roll around an iconic city with thousands of people from around the world is priceless. Enjoy!

Any more for any more? If you’ve got tips, leave them in the comments!