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Our women in fitness series is a celebration of fly girls doing fly things. Meet Amona – a  talented dancer who fell in love with fitness so much, she completed eight (!) different fitness courses to help others (and she manages to juggle it all with a day job)!

Amona’s story

Dance has been a part of my life since I was 14, and “in the young years” it was the only thing I had to do to keep fit. When I was about 20 I taught dance to teenagers, as I always liked teaching. When I moved to London at the age of 25, I spent the first two months looking for a new job and at that time, one of my short-term flatmates kept me busy by taking me to the gym; he worked at as a PT and was a huge inspiration.

I discovered spin classes as my new passion and saw different people teach, and one day I thought to myself, “I could do this, I could be an instructor like that (or probably better)”. So I researched for a while trying to find that perfect course for me. Time passed, I already had a full-time job again and was finding it difficult to decide what to go for. So much choice, so many day-to-day distractions.

While I was dancing on the side to stay fit, I then finally enrolled in an Exercise to Music course. Made total sense to me as I was a dancer, and exercising to music meant it would be fun so I took it as a logical route. So that’s where it all started: that course was my base. 3 1/2 years later, I own the following qualifications:

  • Level 2 Exercise to Music instructor
  • Level 2 Fitness instructor
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • 200hr Yoga Teacher
  • Pregnancy Yoga Teacher
  • Indoor Cycling Instructor
  • Kettlebell Trainer
  • Zumba Instructor

On rare occasions I also get to teach hip-hop for beginners. Did I mention that throughout I did and still do work full time in an office?

After the Christmas holidays last year, I went home and created my new website and my new YouTube channel the next day: Amona Venice Fitness,   I want to work on these platforms a lot this year as I’m currently looking for new private clients.  I’d love to do more yoga challenges on Instagram AND I will finally go on my first yoga retreat this year!

Amona’s fitness and health tips

Show your body that you love it!

AmonaDancer and fitness instructor

Get that “I’m a powerhouse" feeling

AmonaDancer and fitness instructor

Practice makes progress!

AmonaDance and fitness instructor

Intention, not perfection!!

AmonaDancer and fitness instructor

Music to move to: listen to Amona’s five dope tracks

Follow Amona’s fitness journey on Instagram.

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